Overland Solar's New Line Sets the Bar for Portable Solar
You may have noticed we no longer have Bosch solar cells in our products and have moved to using only Sunpower cells. Bosch got out of the solar business, selling out to Solarworld. While Bosch made a great cell, I was not impressed with the offerings from Solarworld. When I saw the performance warranty cut in half, it was time to look a bit deeper at quality before it was used in our products.
They did not meet our standards.
The silver lining came with Sunpower. I have wanted to be able to buy Sunpower cells since starting the company but they made only large residential and commercial 250+ watt panels. With some investments, we are now able to bring the most efficient cells available to you.
With more efficiency, we can pack more watts into less space.
Based out of the Silicon Valley, Sunpower leads the solar world in engineering and innovation with more than 200 patents. The cells perform better in high temperatures and there are no lines connecting cells that block sunlight.
One of the most impressive aspects of our new panels is the efficiency even when partially shaded. Shading has always been the enemy of solar panels. When even a single cell on a conventional panel is shaded, the rest of the cells down the line nearly shut down. With our panels, only the covered cell shuts down. Here is a short video explaining the old problem solved with our new panels:
Here is a short video showing why our panels are far superior to those made conventionally:
We are busy working on exciting new products and aim to always offer the best made products, delivering the most value for your dollar. Please take a look at a few of our trusty portable kits.
See you on the road!